Tag: Halloween dementia

3 Dementia Safe Activities to Do with Your Loved One this Halloween

October 31st, 2022 by Rachel Dimitroff

A Safe Halloween

Halloween can be triggering towards those suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, let’s discuss 3 safe activities to celebrate this Halloween with a loved one.

3 Dementia Safe Activities to Do with Your Loved One this Halloween

Halloween’s main purpose is to create joy and fun while reveling in the spookiness. For those who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s can experience a different type of Halloween, including triggers, anxiety, and agitation. Therefore, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the potential problems Halloween can bring to a loved one. For example, scary decorations or costumes can cause confusion and become dangerous. 

While there are many activities and objects to stay away from during Halloween, there are stimulating activities to make the holiday fun and stress free.


Activity #1: Painting Pumpkins  

Painting has been known to have therapeutic effects on patients with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Painting can engage attention and social behavior. Make it fun and relate painting to Halloween with painting pumpkins. It is an inexpensive activity to help get into the Halloween spirit. Small pumpkins can be found anywhere from your nearest grocery store to the pumpkin patch. So, grab those pumpkins and your family to start a new Halloween dementia safe tradition. 


Activity #2: Halloween Charades 

Charades are a social way to engage you and your loved one to get into the Halloween spirit. Charades are an easy way to create fun and stimulate your loved one to participate in an activity. Check out this list for examples on Halloween charade words. 


Activity #3: Make Halloween Slime 

Slime is a fun activity for all ages, most importantly it is a tactile experience for seniors with Alzheimer’s or dementia to enjoy. Slime is easy to create and can keep someone occupied for hours, follow this recipe to make the proper Halloween slime. 


It doesn’t have to be expensive or cost money to celebrate Halloween. There are resources and ideas that can keep your loved one engaged and have the spirit for Halloween, safely. 

Happy Halloween to all our residents and staff!